Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Journal Entry 2

June 14, 1325
       Today was the first day of my Pilgrimage to Mecca (Document A). I have no one by my side. No one for company, or for moral support. I have wanted to make this journey for years, but I have finally decided to do it. At 22 years of age, my parents are still alive and they are very saddened about my decision (Document A). It will be hard to leave everything that I have, but it is something that I feel like I have to do. At the first town that I stopped at, two ambassadors had just left. One of the citizens in town told me to join them, but I had to ask for God's consent first (Document A). Soon after I raced after them and we finally were united. The men stopped in the town of Miliana and I stayed with them for ten days. I knew we had to set out again soon, but both of them fell sick due to the sweltering heat (Document A). One soon passed away because his conditions were so horrible. I knew this party would not be the best to travel with so decided to leave them. I continued my adventure with a group of merchants from Tunis, because I decided it would be better to travel with more people because there is strength in numbers. I was determined to survive and complete my Pilgrimage to Mecca.

1 comment:

  1. Simone, good job interpreting how Battuta felt about leaving friends and family. You portray the mixed feeling he had very well. Good job!
