Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Journal Entry 5

April 20, 1352
I traveled to many cities and countries in this short period of time. I took ships, and I walked, along with riding on camels. All of the cities that we went to were beautiful with aritifcats and gorgeous surroundings. But the most beautiful city had to be Marrakesh (Document C2). All of Marrakesh's religous symbols are plentiful and elaborate. They're mosques, crosses, and other aspects of thier religous lives seem to be the center of society. Everything around this is still mesmorizing, but they definitely top all of them. Besides thier religous items, it is built in a wide open area with a surplus of surplies (Document C2). But eventualy all good things must come to an end. I had to leave Marrakesh and the next challenge for me was to cross the Sahara. We had to get the caemels, otherwise known as the ships of the sea, ready for travel. These amazing creatures can go days on end without water and  that is why the are the only means of transportation for te Sahara Desert. But, its not only the camels that need to prepare for this trip. Our whole caravan needs to gather a much water as we can bring along with us and enough food to keep us sustained for the entirety of the journey (Document C2).

1 comment:

  1. Simone, you put a lot on facts in this.. good job! I just found it rather boring because it was so straight forward and very factual. However, its not often that you find a factual book that's interesting! You should try spicing it up with some spicy words! Overall, phenomenal job! :)
