Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Journal Entry 3

Novemeber 12, 1325
We  finally reached Tunis and my fever subdued greatly.  We entered the town and everybody was greeted as soon as we arrived, but I knew no one. These merchants that I was traveling with have lived there their whole lives so of course they would know everybody. But I just felt so alone. I never felt like this before and I could not help my emotions so I just started uncontrollably sobbing. Finally one of the kind people of the town came up and greeted me(Document C). They brought me into town and introduced me to new people. There was famous scholars everywhere! Many notable people were in the town due to the festival that had been going on while we were present. We finally formed the pilgrim caravan for our journey, and I was nominated the judge. We set off on our Pilgrimage where we traveled great distances until we reached Qabis. Our caravan encountered heavy rainfall so we we were staionary for ten days (Document C). We kept moving on after that and I met my first wife. She was the daughter of one of the syndics from Tunis   , but me and her father unfortunately got into a fight. This invalidated our marriage and I soon married my second wife, the daughter of a student of Fez. I put off the caravan for a day, because it was important for me to be conducted to my new wife (Document C).

1 comment:

  1. Simone you did a great job showing that Battuta did not always have an easy time dealing with his emotions. I found this article very interesting especially the part about Battuta's wives.
